Time flies another year has gone, the "Year of the Ox" will soon be replaced by the "Year of the Tiger".
Of course Chinatown is a key focal point for Chinese New Year festivities in the few weeks leading up to Chinese New Year and a few weeks following that. You
can immerse in the entire Chinese cultural experience and experience the festive hustle and bustle simply by walking the streets of Chinatown.
Chinatown with the Night Market plus the festive Street Stalls is also where local Chinese congregate year after year to shop for necessary new year items and to soak in the festive atmosphere.
Find out where and when it is best to visit Chinatown to be part of a fascinating heritage.
Festive Street Stalls, 23 Jan – 13 Feb• Venue : Pagoda, Smith, Sago, Temple and Trengganu Streets, and People’s Park Complex
Nightly Stage Shows, 23 Jan – 13 Feb• Venue: Kreta Ayer Square
Chinatown Chinese New Year Celebrations 2010 Countdown on 13 Feb• Venue: Eu Tong Sen Street & New Bridge Rd
Chinatown Yuan Xiao Jie on 28 Feb• Venue: Eu Tong Sen Street & New Bridge Road
Erich's Wuerstelstand will again be decorated for the festivities. Stop by to see who's selling sausages this season?