WS K88

Erich's new place where different things will happen, but still the center of the universe and the navel of the world
May 21, 2008
Alle Freunde und Interessenten sind herzlichst eingeladen gemeinsam mit dem ERDOMO Praesidium den Sommer einzulaeuten.
Besonders eingeladen sind diesmal auch die Gattinnen, Lebensgefaehrtinnen oder Freundinnen. Fuer sie wurde auch diese spezielle Umgebung gewaehlt:
Die Location: Bodegas Y Tapas, 442 Orchard Rd. #01-29, im Orchard Hotel
Zeit: wie immer ab 20:00 Uhr
Also nicht vergessen eure Liebsten sind herzlich dazu eingeladen!
Auf euer zahlreiches Erscheinen freut sich
Der Praesident
The King Is Back In Town
KING HARALD is back in town!........and residing again at the WS!
Anyone who needs advice or consultation can immediately submit the application form for 'his excellencies' audiences at Erich's. Please mind the king is leaving already Sunday morning.
Some might think having seen this face before> correct! King Harald was in Singapore till last September.
Has he changed since? ......Well not really, but judge yourself:
..........face: a few more wrinkles ( but that's normal with a stressful lifestyle); maybe a bit closer to full moon (well, Mum is cooking again...)
.........this thing around the waist (he said he's hiding the match ball for the European Soccer it will disappear soon)
The rest: Still smoking, maybe some Tigers, and there are still "Stupid Kangaroos" around.
Anyway welcome back King and enjoy your stay!
May 8, 2008
1st Anniversary of Erich’s Wuerstelstand Blog
It was a fun night out end of April 2007 at the Wuerstelstand. We actually had a farewell party for our Austrian Kathy who was about to leave us for another job assignment this time unfortunately based in Dubai.
It was a perfect night besides the thought of Kathi leaving Singapore. But as an Expat you see so many people come and go, so many welcome and farewell parties that you lose count.
And suddenly we found us in midst of a discussion how to stay in contact with the ones that left Singapore, how to spread all the gossip and ramblings, to keep them updated about events, happenings, changes and so forth. But also for people in Singapore it would be nice to keep informed about things not always told in news or papers.
The idea of a website was born!!! We knew it wouldn’t be easy since it was only a niche and mainly insiders would be interested in our postings. However we tried to diversify and wrote various stories from outside the Chinatown Night Market and Erich’s. It was great to see the very positive responds.
After 130 (!!) postings and 5500 visitors – which exceeded our expectations by far- we are very proud of our product and will try to bring you more interesting posts.
Thank you all so much for your blog and Wuerstelstand visits as well.
Anything you think we should cover please let us know.
May 5, 2008
ERICH im Deutschen TV: KABEL 1
Wer Zeit und Lust hat kann da ja mal reinschauen. Wuerden auch gerne Kommentare von euch hoeren wie und worueber die Sendung genau war, da sehr viel gedreht wurde, wir aber uber die Endfassung nichts genaues wissen.
German TV Channel: Kabel 1 Friday, May 9 broadcasts a report about Erich's Wuerstelstand.