Erich's new place where different things will happen, but still the center of the universe and the navel of the world
May 31, 2010
31.May 2010 - A nice present from Jan -the most talented painter and friend who is far far away at the moment-but will return to Singapore soon. Delivered by 3 lovely ladies. Thank you Jan-and see you soon.
This blog is about real life stories, happenings, gossip, ramblings and events at the Wuerstelstand, the Chinatown Night Market, Singapore and the rest of the world. Besides Erich's ventures we also want to introduce Singapore as a beautiful and interesting tourist spot and a great place to live and work. Many tourists or expats who have been here are now our frequent blog visitors to check what they miss out since they left. Feel free to participate in our Wuerstelstand community. Send us ideas for new posts or photos. Comments can be posted below each post. Your Editor at Large: Frank N. Furter
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