When girls engage in sexual activities with the opposite sex, it's more out of
obligation than anything else, to maintain the relationship. But for the boys, (of course) it's because they want to do it," Mr Md Yusof Ismail, chief executive officer of Ain Society told MediaCorp.
Ya right, the boys want it but the girls don't! But only in Singapore I guess, not in the rest of the world!! Just blame it on the boys.
But that's not all. A survey done by contraceptive maker Durex found out that more than half of those aged 16 to 24 and 35 to 44 said they would like to have received more information on "emotional aspects of sex" as love, respect and the shared enjoyment of giving pleasure to one's partner.
Many of the people interviewed said these aspects were not covered during sex education in schools. Only 12 per cent of the 1,021 Singapore respondents claimed they were taught these aspects of sexual learning.

Do people need a manual "How to?" or "Emotion, love and feelings for dummies" Can this actually be taught?
Oh ya maybe get a certificate or even graduate from this program with a degree!
Guess you can tell how shocked I am about that very sad state of Singapore's young adults.
One last remark. I had a great upbringing, I witnessed the emotion, the love, the caring my parents had for each other. The openly showed it.
However I hardly have seen this with Singapore's families. Not many parents do show emotions, probably because they can't make money of it, so no point!
Maybe that's why kids need to learn it in school!
What a sad world we live in nowadays.